Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Two 1A stories cut short in some print editions; we'll reprint


In today's Lakewood Ranch Herald, our earliest print edition, the "jumps" for two 1A stories did not appear. The news desk decided late that they needed space on Page 5A for both continuations of the stories, but that remake didn't get on the press until the Bradenton Herald -- our second edition -- started printing.

Both were strong local stories, and we will reprint or update them in Thursday's editions. We received dozens of calls from upset readers. (Glass half-full take? There are still a lot of avid readers out there!)

Both were law enforcement stories:

One was reported and written by Robert Napper, examining the county's and state's lax oversight of home day cares after a 13-year-old boy was charged with beating and possibly raping a 22-month-old child in such care. You can read the full report here, as well as find a checklist of questions to ask if you're looking for a day care.

The other story is Beth Burger's on-the-scene report about the shooting death of 22-year-old Kyle Schweitzer, gunned down at his brother's home along Manatee Avenue. Here is today's story, and we will update with any developments Thursday.

-- Joan

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